
Death by Chocolate Buns Recipe

For chocolate lovers! Use my death by chocolate dough, wrap it in a generous serving of chocolate chips, and top it with a chocolate chip crust. Super chocolatey!

Sweet Stiff Starter

  • 30g sourdough starter
  • 90g high protein flour
  • 40g water
  • 15g sugar

Dough Ingredients

  • 210g high protein flour
  • 20g sugar
  • 4g salt
  • 15g cocoa powder
  • 115g milk
  • 50g whipping cream
  • 40g melted chocolate
  • 20g unsalted butter
  • All of the sweet stiff starter


  • Chocolate callets


  • 50g butter
  • 40g icing sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 50g low protein flour
  • Handful of chocolate chips

Topping Preparation

  1. Mix softened butter with sugar, then add egg and mix well.
  2. Sieve the low protein flour and fold in until you get a smooth paste.
  3. Keep in a piping bag.


  1. Prepare sweet stiff starter and use when it triples, about 7-8 hours at 27-28°C.
  2. Mix everything except butter and melted chocolate until the dough comes together and is strong.
  3. Add butter and melted chocolate in 2-3 batches and knead until fully incorporated and the dough achieves the window pane stage.
  4. Bulk proof the dough for 2 hours at 28°C.
  5. Punch down the dough and divide it into 6 equal portions.
  6. Round up the dough and rest for 15 minutes.
  7. Roll out the dough and wrap it with chocolate callets. Place in the star mold.
  8. Final proof at 28°C for 3-3.5 hours or until the dough rises 1.5x.
  9. Pipe the topping and sprinkle with chocolate chips.
  10. Bake at 170°C for 20 minutes.

Enjoy these decadent death by chocolate buns! For a visual guide, visit my YouTube channel to watch the full process.

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